Friday, December 18, 2009

it's BEGINNING to look a BIT like Christmas.

Despite my recent efforts at being an optimist, I've come to realize that Christmas will probably never be as magical as it was when I was a child - with the waiting and anticipating, the overall naiveté, and the stress-free-ness of it all. But still, there are things that I just need at Christmas time.

A few of those things include lights and decorations everywhere, apple-cinnamon/spice scented everything, and at least one radio station that plays continuous Christmas songs all day long (in English). I don't think that's too much to ask.

But Ukraine doesn't have any of that stuff. Not yet, anyway.

Along with several other Orthodox countries, Ukraine doesn't celebrate Christmas until January 7th. So their decorating has barely begun. It's just strange when you're used to seeing Christmas popping up everywhere as soon as Halloween is over. At the very least after Thanksgiving. But the whole month of December has been pretty drab here without the normal green and red and glittery-ness that most of us Americans have become accustomed to.

But then a couple weeks ago we went to Mega Market to do some shopping and to my utter joy and excitement, they had decorated for Christmas! Mind you, it was Ukrainian style, but it was a sight for sore eyes nonetheless.

Since then, I have seen little bits and pieces of Christmas popping up around town. It's amazing what some simple decorations can do for a Christmas-loving soul like mine.

Despite the fact that the magic of Christmas has all but died for me, I still want to feel that tingly happiness that can only be associated with Christmas time. I mean, let's get real here - I get giddy just thinking about sparkly ornaments and Frank Sinatra's "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" makes me cry every time I hear it.

So I've been hoarding Christmas-ness - taking pictures of any decorations I see, listening to all the best Christmas tunes, baking my favorite holiday cookies (which also satisfies my need for cinnamon/spice scented things) and storing them up so that I can feel Christmas close by whenever it starts to feel a bit drab and un-Christmas like. Enough of these simple little things and perhaps it will start to feel a bit more like the holiday I have always loved...

And perhaps going to Germany tomorrow will help me get more into the Christmas spirit - they really know how to put it on over there.

So, until the 28th - Auf Wiedersehen! And hey, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!


  1. Um...I want some of those yummy looking cookies!!! What the heck?!!!

  2. Hey! How did you get that little photo montage thingie? I want to do it, too...!!!

    And I am glad someone is in on the hunt for real Christmas with me. One in Kiev was enough for me...Munich is lovely, isn't it? And we'll go back just in time for New Year's, which Ukrainians do absolutely wonderfully - you'll see! :)

    And everyone, those cookies taste as good as they look. Just so you know.

  3. Totally understand that. I cried this morning watching Maxwell House coffee's Christmas commercial. Afterwards, I started laughing at myself. So pathetic.
    My sister went to Germany on her mission (and my dad). Apparently Germany goes all out and turns Christmas into a major production. Hope you can get right in the thick of it and enjoy the holiday. When are you coming back to AZ??
