Thursday, December 3, 2009

the need to blog + lack of inspiration = really lame post (fair warning)

I think I've hit a blogging wall. I had so many things up my sleeve to talk about when I started up my blog, and now all of a sudden, I'm drawing a total blank. Maybe it's because my posts are eternally long (and probably boring - sorry to my 3 readers) and I cram WAY too much into each one. Nevertheless, I need some good blogging material to come my way... soon. Something totally noteworthy and memorable.

On a random note, we ran out of regular laundry soap yesterday and I really needed to do laundry this morning so I used Dreft (baby laundry soap) instead. I put my comforter in first, put a capful of soap in, and started the cycle. It wasn't until the cycle was mostly finished that Traci informed me that Dreft is "extra sudsy" so I don't need to use a whole capful when I use it. Oops...

When I went back in to check on my laundry, I noticed that even though the cycle had completed, there were mounds of soap around the comforter, in the comforter, and all over inside the washer. I opened the door and a glob of suds nearly plopped out onto the floor. Yep, it appears that Dreft is in fact, EXTRA SUDSY. I think they need to put a warning label on the bottle.

It turns out that I had to do two extra rinse & spin cycles to get the soap out, which thankfully did nothing more than set me back a bit in my laundry-doing this morning. It's probably a good thing we have the upright kind of washer that locks. I had a daydream of the cliche movie scene where obscene amounts of bubbles are spewing out of the washer onto the floor in every direction until the floor is totally covered with suds. I don't think it would have been an exaggeration. I probably would have slipped, flown three feet into the air and landed on my back in a fit of laughter while bubbles spilled down onto my head as well. And the dog would have run in, jumping around and barking at all the floating bubbles. Except we don't have a dog, so nevermind that part...

Whoa, wait, I just blogged about overly-susdsy baby soap and my movie-esque daydream. I told you I've hit a wall.


  1. Ha ha! I've always wanted to try that one know, where you use liquid dish soap in the dishwasher or something equally as fun!

  2. Ok, you are just plain hilarious! I love it. I think pretty much all of us have experienced the over-sudsy washing machine at least once or twice. :)

  3. haha, oh Joe! :) What's weird, is I am washing my sheets and bed spread today... we are TOO much alike. Jenna and Steph fly in tonight, wish you were going to be here! PS, an email is coming :0)

  4. No, what's weird is that we ALL read that incredibly boring post to the end. Ughh...

  5. Been there, done that! Cleaning soap suds off of a very cold basement floor in the middle of January is NO LAUGHING matter!!! Especially when you add one dog (Pekingnese), one cat, and two little girls to the mess.

  6. Joeli, I wrote this on my own blog comments too, but just to make sure you get it...

    I'll make you a deal, if you get your booty back here (I'll even give you until January) then you can for sure have a sweet nick name for the club!! :)

  7. That's all it will take? Can I be Gia or Mia? I like both those names very much...

  8. Ok, gypsy, what is the deal? I want a blog post on what is going on with you. Did you find a job? What is the social scene? Any Mormons? How about some hottie Krainie men? Anyone worthy of scoping??
