Thursday, July 15, 2010

Heck yes.

There's nothing that sounds better than the cha-chinging of dollar signs after a loooooooong and vicious financial drought.

Unemployment sucks.

That's why every time I've thought about my new job this week, I've just wanted to take off running - pausing only to do a heel click in the air. I mean, I GOT A JOB! Like a real one that actually pays me better wages than my high school jobs did. A major cause for celebration for me.

I'm actually back at Waterstone Mortgage - the company I was working for before I left for Ukraine. I was the receptionist then. And I have been doing temporary paper work for them since I've been back. But now my boss has asked me to stay on as a loan processor, with a significant pay raise and about a five-rung move up the ladder. Talk about a promotion! Woo hoo. I even get my own cubicle. That's right, be jealous.

And yes, the three years' worth of interior design knowledge I aquired in school IS totally helping me in this job. Not.

But I could really care less about that at this point... I HAVE A JOB!!

Now let's all cross our fingers that the boss also hires a single, handsome (need I mention tall?), 30-something loan officer whose loans I can process. Among other things...

Ok, scratch that. I'm totally pushing my luck with that one.