Monday, November 9, 2009

Betty really isn't that Ugly after all...

I'm not even going to lie about the fact that I watch a lot of TV. I love a good TV show, even some reality ones.

But there are some that I would just never get sucked into because they look, well, stupid. Like Ugly Betty for example.

But when I arrived here at my sister's house, she was watching the first season of Ugly Betty on DVD, and I found myself sitting in on a few episodes. And before long, it totally happened. I got sucked in. It's true.

Because let's be honest, Betty's boss is pretty sexy,

these two are hilarious,

and Betty is so quirky and cute. And totally a fish out of water, which I think some of us can relate to...

And now we are just anxiously awaiting the arrival of the 2nd season from my sister's best friend back in the states... Get here soon Betty!

I don't know if it's because we only have 3 American TV channels or if I would have liked UB if I gave it the chance from the beginning, but nonetheless, I have yet another show to add to my list of addictions...

Arg. I was really trying to quit!


  1. Hmmm. I don't know if I can get into this... I guess I probably would if I watched it from the beginning. Oh man, US and ALL of our shows!! RIDIC!!

  2. Ok, I want more posts. I've forwarded your blog to my lil sister, Kelsey. She is the one leaving for Russia in a month and a half. She loved your post on all the crazy stuff those Ukrainians do. Keep 'em coming! Oh, and how is the job hunt? Anything turning up?
