Thursday, January 28, 2010

For reals.

Ok, I know I talk about the Wii a lot. Probably in copious doses of annoying, I'm sure. And I apologize. But here's the thing: it works miracles. For reals.

I say miracles (plural) because to be more specific, it has worked three miracles on me. Yep, you heard me, three. Let me just tell you about them...

Since using the Wii (about 4 weeks now) I have:

1.) learned breathing skills that have taught me to breathe in and out of my nose while exercising. Anyone who knows me knows that this is a hard thing for me to do in general, let alone through the duration of a work out. Yay, lungs! As Bob would say, "you're doing great!"

2.) gained some awesome flexibility to the point of being able to touch my toes while standing straight-legged or sitting with my legs out in front of me. With legs the length of mine, it has been a real challenge for me in my life and I haven't been able to do it since I was a kid well, ever, so let's just say I'm feeling pretty proud. 

3.) not had to crack my back in over three weeks. Yes, I am one of those people that will contort my body and twist in a chair into what looks like a very painful position, just to "crack" my back and which usually causes the major grossing-out of all those that might be within earshot. But the yoga poses I am learning have really helped me stretch my spine and focus on my posture. Give me a Wii balance board and my trainer Bob and voila!, my back doesn't crave that vertebrae popping sensation any longer... 

Now, if the Wii could just help me with brevity...


  1. Man...I just might need to get me that program for the Wii!! You should be paid for advertising ;)
