Monday, May 9, 2011

I'm in love.

With my Nook.

I know, I know... I'm a total nerd. But I can't help it. I love to read. And since I have about four inches of space in my little house, I just don't have room for the mass of books I keep purchasing from (one of my top ten all time favorite things ever). And since I had some gift cards for Barnes & Noble (thank you, Mom!), I decided to bite the bullet and get me a Nook. I'd only been coveting it for a year.

Need I mention the $130 Kate Spade Nook cover that I had drooled over when it first hit the shelves? Well, fate was on my side the day I bought my Nook - Kate Spade was marked down 75%. Snatched that right up. Oh, that thing we call justification.... tricky little thing!

Moral of the story is that I highly recommend a Nook for any of my fellow book nerds/escapists out there. I'd even recommend justifying the purchase of a fabulous little cover.

The only thing I'll miss is that smell that only the inside of a book can have... mmmmm.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Speaking of revamping...

... my blog is in serious need.

I'm not sure if it's because I just re-did my room or because Spring is in the air (well, has been for several months now) or if I'm just antsy for change (again) (it's about that time). But all I can think about is how I want to get up and shake off the dust and get going with so many things. I feel like I have these spurts where I get all motivated and dreamy and start thinking of all the million ways I'm going to change my life or shake things up. This is definitely one of those times. And revamping my blog is just one of those many (many) things.

I have spent a large (and kind of embarrassing) amount of time this morning blog-stalking. And yes, I'm at work. I am probably going to get canned since our computer use is totally monitored. Ah well. It's not like it's that hard to find a job these days.... Anyway, what I was saying was that I have stalked a lot of blogs today and over the last several weeks. I may be a little obsessed with a few. Some because they are good reads, others because I'm jealous of the witty/intellectual/clever content. But most because of the design and all around awesomeness of the blog. So I've got a new layout and design for my own blog rolling around in my head. It's gonna be fabulous. All I need is to get everything off my dead laptop so I have access to all my pictures and such. This is an important step in revamping my blog. So I'm not sure when this will all take place. All I know is that if I don't do it soon, I will go nutssss looking at the same boring blog over and over again. Since I'm a re-born blogger and everything...

Um, and let's talk about how I just noticed the Micky Mouse silhouettes on my blogger background... Go ahead and hunt them out, I know you want to. I only ever see the skinny view of my blog so I'm not surprised I didn't notice them before. But wow, feeling kind of like a 12 year-old all over again. Just like I did with my circus stripes room. Must. Revamp. Soon. Hold tight, a change is a comin'!

Don't hold your breath though - you know how I am with blogging and promises. It's baby steps for me, people. Baby steps.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Way overdue.

Yes, this post. But also the not-so-extreme makeover (but makeover nonetheless) that I did on my bedroom. I finally graduated from my college-girl days and revamped my little portion of personal space. There's something about re-doing and color scheming and deep cleaning that makes one feel like a new woman. I finally let go of my twenties. It's one of the only ways in my life right now where it's nice to finally be a grown-up. It only took me until I am nearly 30 to do it. And it only took me three months to post about it. No big deal.

If I could explain my room, as it was, in one run-on sentence it would go something like this:
My room was an embarrassing mixture between a nursery and a circus and was never a place I wanted to take guests because it looked like a 12 year-old lived there and I was afraid circus music would spontaneously start playing every time I opened the door because of all the stripes and colors and orange-ish red light coming from the almost-ten-year-old lamp that gave some of the only light to my room (but that I was grateful for since there is no overhead light) and all my little nick-nacks and picture frames and college-girl stuff that had me endlessly pining for the day when I could afford a room that resembled that of a mature, independent, design savvy woman. Phew...
My computer died and I have been pictureless for quite some time now, so thank goodness for Averi's blog where I was able to steal a couple pictures of my room when we first moved in so that you could see what it looked like before. So without further ado, here are the before and afters of my I'm a Big Girl Now Makeover:

BEFORE. This was taken the first couple weeks after we moved in. The stripes came with the room.

BEFORE. This was on my birthday, about a month before I left for Ukraine. SUUUPER circus-y with the balloons and streamers! Oh, and there's the orange light!!

IN BETWEEN. First things first - got rid of the stripes. I painted the walls Tumbleweed Tan, which turned out to be a lot darker than I was expecting but I love it... Then I cleared out and donated everything from my old room. And got this fabulous rug.

IN BETWEEN. Setting up the bed, shelf, and night stand...

AFTER. Ta Da!! The finished product. New EVERYTHING...


Did I mention that I did all of this with this year's tax refund? Oh how I love you, tax money!
Anyway, I'm sure no one is even reading my blog anymore since it's been so long since I last posted so I may be talking to myself here. But I just wanted to document one of the minor changes that has happened in my life recently. If anything, I had a good time shopping and re-doing, and using a tiny tiny bit of my design skills. And hey, I sleep much better at night on that dream of a mattress I bought. That along with the fact that I finally feel like a big girl...