Wednesday, May 12, 2010

♪ It's a party in the USA! ♫

So, I'm back in the good ol' US of A and it feels good to be home - there were a lot of things and people that I missed while I was over there on the other side of the world. Food more than people, if I'm being totally honest.

Kidding, friends.

But it seems like there is always a down-side to everything good. I will miss Europe a lot and it was really hard to say goodbye. I miss my sister like crazy already and it's only been seven days (well closer to eight I guess - it is already tomorrow there). And I kind of don't know what to do about it. I guess what they say is true though - that all good things must come to an end. Right?

Oh gosh, I hope that really isn't totally true...

Anyway, my first couple days at home were fab-u-lous. A little bit of shopping, sunbathing, movie watching, and some serious American grub with my peeps made for a fabulous welcome-back. It was a party in the USA if I ever saw one.

We have a sad lack of pictures from the weekend (I'm sure missing my sister's Nikon right about now), but here's at least one that kind of sums things up. We're awesome dot com.

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome home! It's good to see you all again.

PS - I have a bit of a back-log of posts to post about my last week or so in Ukraine but I have to get my pictures organized and my thoughts in order, so stay tuned. Good things to come.


  1. 1. I will just exhibit my total lack of fashion sense and ask - are those sunglasses to be funny or for real? They just remind me of Tootsie or something.

    2. You keep mentioning all the food you didn't have while you were here. I fed her, people, I did. Homecooked food a lot, and I'm not a bad cook. She's the one that did the apple thing...;)

    3. We miss you more.

    4. Man, I have some pics from Sunday. I really need to send them to you....

  2. And how do you get musical notes in your title? Hmmm?

  3. Ok, I'm not talking about home cooked meals - I couldn't have missed those because I rarely if ever had them here - I'm talking about greasy fat-girl food like In N' Out, Chic-Fil-A, Taco Bell. You DID feed me well, maybe TOO well, hence the need for an apple diet.
    Kidding, I did that for other reasons.

  4. Psst. There are Jane pics at my blog now. And don't ask me why I'm using your blog like facebook or something. It just seemed easier, since I was over here anyway seeing if you had posted anything new. :)
